April 15, 2012

Disappearing Nine Patch Pillow Cover top

I finished putting together the final pillow cover top for Kimberly.  I had so many ideas in my head, but decide on a disappearing nine patch pattern.

I really like the ease of using a man's shirt front for the pillow cover back.  I've been to Goodwill and got 5 men's shirts to use.  I've already cut into one, so there's only four in my photo.

BTW, if you're a reader, today is the last day to enter my book give away at Loves Books and Tea.  I'm giving away the winners choice of all the books I read in March.  Only one person has entered and she's a no-reply blogger!

May your bobbins always be full,


  1. I love the design and the fabrics! How big is the pillow going to be?
    I haven't read a book in quite some time! Have a pile to read still =D

  2. I love how you went to Goodwill. Betsy and I will be going for sheets. We bought a rag rug frame at the Quilt festival. We plan to use the scraps from the t-shirt quilts also. Like what you do.

  3. G'day Jan. That pillow top looks great. I haven't tried the disappearing nine patch yet. Love the colors and the idea of using mens shirts for the back is a good one. Take care. Liz...


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Happy Quilting!