April 16, 2012

Fat Quarter Idol

This was fun.  Here are the rules.

you can find all the particulars at Sew, Mama, Sew.

Here's my entry.

Short Row Golden Yellow ~ A Stitch In ColorChevron Threads Garden ~ Stitch ORGANICWalkabout ~ Alegria ORGANIC
Kitty Garden Gerbers Pink Pastel ~ Monkey's BiznessChartreuse 1072 ~ Kona CottonABC 123 No 2 Pencil ~ School Days
Triangles Turquoise ~ Alegria ORGANICCyan 151 ~ Kona CottonLambs Park ~ Modern Whimsy ORGANIC
Prairie Rose Fiesta ~ Hope ValleyWings and Dots Blue ~ Hello PilgrimVeggie Dots Pear ~ A Stitch In Color

The links to my choices are on my Pinterest board:  http://pinterest.com/janprytz/sew-mama-sew-fatquarteridol-sweet-child-of-mine/

What do you think?  Now, you should do it, too.

May your bobbins always be full,


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Happy Quilting!