July 14, 2013

12.5" Churn Dash Block Tutorial

I looked at how other tutorials for a 12.5" Churn Dash Block were written, and I knew I wouldn't follow them.  I followed the idea of the other tutorials and did my own thing.  I thought I'd share it with you.

Refrain from trueing up the four HSTs.  Join a 2.5x4.5" print piece with a matching background piece on one side.  Do this for all four units.  I used a 12.5" square ruler to transport my pieces between the cutting board, sewing machine and ironing board.

Lay out the center pieces, like a cross, then add the four HSTs.

Sew the three pieces of the top row together, follow with the middle row, then the bottom row.  Press the seams.  Now, join the three rows together, press the seams, and true up the block to 12.5 inches square.

 There you have it.  Now, I'm off to piece more together!
May your bobbins always be full,

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