March 24, 2014

Just making!

Recent conversation at my house:

Bob:  What are you making?
Me:   I don't know.
Bob:  What do you mean, you don't know?
Me:   I started making these squares by using selvages, and they've become addicting.  I've made so many I just might make a quilt out of them, instead of using them for more potholders/hotpads.

That exchange took place on Friday afternoon, I made some more and ended up with a total of eighteen 8.5 inch squares of selvages.  There really isn't enough for a quilt, although I have more saved selvages, and I think I'm done, for now.  So, it's potholders for these squares!

These are so much fun to put together, it was hard to stop!  Now, I'm going to spent today making these into something useful.

May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Well, I'll be... I've been saving my selvedges without a clue what to do with them! I hope you'll show us your progress!!

  2. What a great way to save selvedge. I have always just thrown mine a way. Not anymore.


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Happy Quilting!