March 8, 2012

I love Pinterest.

I'm still working on Erin's Elephant quilt.  It's been pretty slow going.  Life keeps getting in the way.

I have a FQ bundle of Echo by Lotta Jansdotter, that I'm itching to use, but I've held off because the colors really are pretty disjointed, to my eye; and I wanted to use them all.

I saved this quilt on my Quilty Inspiration board:

print gallery quilt

Kati, from From the Blue Chair, did a great job; but she didn't use the whole fabric range.  Don't you love it.?

Then I found this one; it's totally different, but I love how it uses the whole range.  I think this will be my next project:

how about a fun patchwork quilt

Ashley, from Film in the Fridge, is brilliant!  I me, the pinks were discordant, but she's tied everything together.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Those are beautiful and I love Pinterest too :)

  2. I love the echo range!! I've only purchased the buds fabric though. Used some in a quilt and the other to make some pouches =D


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Happy Quilting!