March 14, 2012

Plan C

I'm on Plan C for Erin's Elephant Quilt.  This has been quite a journey, since I've never done a quilt like this.

As a reminder, this is what she asked for:

Sweet Elephant Baby Quilt / eco friendly custom hand crafted blanket 

She didn't care what size, and she wasn't in a hurry, thank heavens.  She did request a blue elephant.  I didn't like several things about the prototype, so her finished quilt will be very different.  But it will be a Blue Elephant Quilt.

This is what I have, so far, on my "design floor".  I contemplated, using long strips of green, for grass, but I really happy with the HSTs.  When I laid them out, I actually giggled, the two pieces together made me very happy.  I have some Kona Sky to use for the "sky".  There will be no sea of white on the finished quilt.    
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Wow you've been making a lot of progress. Love the idea for the grass =D

  2. I think it looks cute so far. I actually got some elephant material the other day its cute.


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Happy Quilting!