April 19, 2012

Echo Windmill Whimsy

I have enough Echo left to make another quilt.  Yay!  I decide to make a Windmill Whimsy quilt.  I first saw one of these quilts at Film in the Fridge.  Ashley is very talented.  I didn't use a pattern and my blocks are going to be huge.  Out of each remaining FQ, I was able to but two 9 inch squares to use for making HST's.  Each block is going to be about 22 inches!

Here the lay-out for the first block:

Then I flipped the center blocks.

Here's the two teal blocks I made today.  Can you see how they're different.  I thought changing each block up a bit will make the finished quilt more interesting.

I really like both versions.  Do you? 
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. They both look great! Loving those echo prints =D

  2. So simple, but makes a big in pack . I really like this pattern. The quilts look great.


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Happy Quilting!