April 23, 2012

Echo Windmill Whimsy

Our skies are all overcast, but the light is good enough to show my completed  Echo Windmill Whimsy quilt top  Talk about wrangling fabric, this quilt top is about 64 x 90 inches!  Almost too big for Bob, my quilt-model, to hold up.  Notice he's standing on the retaining wall.

I didn't have enough Echo to make this quilt top, so I added some of my favorites that I thought worked well.  Some Heather Ross Dogs on Mustard, some Falling Flowers Peacock Lane, some Dinky Dots and a white dot on gray, that I don't know the name of.   Now I have to think of how I want to piece the back.

May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Love the quilt! Looks amazing, all the added extras really work well with the echo colour scheme =D

  2. This is beautiful!! Thanks for helping letting us see it in all it's glory Bob! :)


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Happy Quilting!