October 21, 2013

An interview

Blogger's Quilt Festival - AmysCreativeSide.com

If you read my blog(s), you know I'm just one of the millions of small time bloggers.  I'm absolutely fine with being in such a large group of wonderful people.  Oh, the hassles the big time bloggers have, and I've seen a few with egos at stretch to Mars, and back.  No, no, no, that''s not for me.

I was surprised when I was contacted by Amy Ellis.  She sent a list of interview questions and asked for some photos.  That I could do.  I'm kinda chatty and love taking photos.  Last night Amy shot me an email that I would be the featured quilter on her blog, today.

I'm sure you know Amy, she blogs at Amy's Creative Side, and in 2009 she created the semi-annual Blogger's Quilt Festival.  My "interview" is over on her blog.
May your bobbins always be full,

1 comment

  1. Congratulations of being featured! Your leaf quilt is amazing!


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Happy Quilting!