February 23, 2014

Double Circle Quilts.

When I made these small baby quilts, I used a lot of Kona White for the background fabric.  You can read about making these quilts, here.

When it came time to add the binding I used Kona Pomegranate.  I decided "go bold, or go home", would be a good policy; and it jazzed up all the whiteness.  The quilts each measure 37.5" square.  These are finishes number 4 and 5.

My blog photos have been popping up on Pinterest, without acknowledgements.  I think the watermark might help, that is if I remember to add it!
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Tey are so pretty. Did you do the quilting yourself?

    1. No, I always use a long arm quilter. For me it's a win-win situation. She has an income and I get to move on to the next project. Plus, my sewing machine's throat isn't very large.

  2. These are so sweet, Jan ~


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Happy Quilting!