July 8, 2014

Workin' on the Chain (Piecing) Gang

I'm making progress on the Simply Woven quilt.  I've sewn things together, cut them in two, then joined them together, again.  I'm liking the way these blocks are looking, so far.  Now, I'm off to make more cuts and joins.  Sounds like carpentry instead of quilting, when I write it that way.

Today's my birthday, I'm 70.  I've been celebrating for one week, by not cooking.  Today is going to be an ordinary Tuesday, with some sewing and in the afternoon I teach my Tai Chi class.  Since I teach on a voluntary basis, I never cook on Tuesdays or Thursdays, that's my reward.  Tonight we'll play cards with our regular group, so it really is an ordinary day.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Happy Birthday one day late! Nothing is ordinary about a birthday no matter how you spend it.

  2. Sorry I didn't read your post earlier. Happy belated birthday!


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Happy Quilting!