February 18, 2012

Large Zig Small Zag Quilt.

I love making Zig Zag quilts.  I saw a pattern very similar to this, for sale, and I thought I could make it without using a pattern.  I really love how it turned out.  I wrote a tutorial, if you're interested, it's here:  http://jansquiltfinishestutorials.blogspot.com/2011/09/large-zig-small-zag-quilt.html

I had a couple of extra Large Zigs that I added to the quilt back.  The rest of the back is made from the leftovers of the blue FQs.  I used Kona Midnight for the binding and a tad of a complimentary red print.

I asked my long arm quilter for stars and I think they're wonderful.

This is the 5th quilt I've put the finishing touches on this month! 
May your bobbins always be full,

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