February 10, 2012

Winner, winner, you're a winner and other stuff.

The winner of my fabric give away is Alison of Little Bunny Quilts, who said:
AlisonFeb 7, 2012 12:30 PM
I would definitely take it! :)
I used the free service at random.org, so I can't show you proof.  You'll just have to trust me.

Alison has a great blog, visit her when you have a chance.

I haven't been quilting since I finished the top and back for my Swoon Quilt, which is in the hands of my long-arm quilter.  For one thing, I really needed to clean my house, Oh My, did I ever.  I also have to spend some time prepping all the tax paperwork.  Grrrh.

I now have 6 quilts to bind, so that's my next project.  As soon as all that's accomplished, I'll be able to start a new project with no guilt.

My leave at Barnes and Noble is over.  I gave them a very limited schedule availability, and they were fine with that.  They all know Bob and know that I'm still involved in his recovery.  I expect him to be pretty much back to normal in a couple of months.  I'm going to NYC, in June for the BEA, "The Book Show", and he assured me he'd be OK to join me the following week, for a cruise to Bermuda.  We love going to Bermuda.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Hi. Just wanted to let you know Goggle is going away at the end of this month. To keep our follower and not lose our favorite blogs .We will have to join the Linky Party. Heidi has one on her site. http://mysimplecountryliving.blogspot.com
    I don't want to lose any of my blogs,I enjoy visiting you guys to much. I hope you will join. Oh and follow me. Almost forgot that part. Congrats to the winner.

  2. Congrats to your winner!
    Hey, I also wanted to let you know I gave you a "Versatile Blogger Award" on my blog today! entropyundone.blogspot.com


Thank you for commenting! I enjoy replying to all comments that have an email address attached. If you are not on Blogger please include an email address within your comment--then I can say hi back!

Happy Quilting!