March 31, 2012

96, and making progress.

96 HSTs, ready to make a zig zag pillow top.  Each is 3.5 inches square.  Since I frequently sew "by the seat of my pants", I don't know if I have enough or too many.  I'll know once I have them all laid out.  Wish me luck.  Are you sewing today?

May your bobbins always be full,


  1. I always make sure I have an even number of squares when cutting something..I tend to always cut way more than I need.

    No haven't been sewing these past days just cutting fabrics! =D

  2. Good luck! From what I can see, I like the look. I did a large zigzag top a few months ago, but I still want to try another, more scrappy one, a la Red Pepper Quilts style.
    And yes, I did sew today! I started my husband's car quilt, and made my first Granny Square block.

  3. Good luck! From what I can see, I like the look. I did a large zigzag top a few months ago, but I still want to try another, more scrappy one, a la Red Pepper Quilts style.
    And yes, I did sew today! I started my husband's car quilt, and made my first Granny Square block.

  4. It looks good. Better to have to many then to little. My garden work has taken over my time. Once everything is in I'll have more time to sew.


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Happy Quilting!