March 30, 2012


I'm a collector, at heart.  I collect fabric, books, of course, and sports autographs.  I try to keep my collecting to a minimum, because when we retired, we downsized.  Bob and I have two wonderful daughters, no parent could be prouder of their children.  In the past few years I've been collecting more daughters.  Wonderful women who are young and have become friends of mine.  When one of them ask for something, I say sure; just as if Carrie or Sharon had asked for something.

Kimberly, is one of these great young women.  She's relocating from SoCal to Iowa, and asked me to make some pillow-covers to use on screened porch at her new house.  She decided on the number, 5, and the colors, Red and Aqua with White, and the rest is up to me.

This quilt, that I gave to her son and his bride was her inspiration.  I get to decide what the pillows will look like.  So, exciting.  I know I'm a nerd, but Oh, Well.

These are my Red and Aqua fabrics I have in my stash; I think I'll be able to come up with 5 fantastic pillows, from these fabrics.

May your bobbins always be full,


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Happy Quilting!