March 21, 2012


It's the start of a quilt, of course.  I was inspired by Ashley of Film in the Fridge, to start working on my Echo patchwork quilt.  I started without taking any photos or blogging about it: I've been busy with Bob's health matters.  It's coming along nicely, and it's going to be a nice size, about 64 x 54.  Large enough that I wish I had a big sewing room and a large design wall.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. I love the mix of fabrics you are using! Can't wait to see it!

    Hope your hubby is doing well.

  2. Love Echo...send the offcuts my way ;). Can't wait to see all the progress reports and updates on how it's going =D

  3. There's nothing like a scrap quilt! yours has the makings of fun! Hope health issues are going okay ~

  4. G'day Jan. Hope your hubby is ok. Look forward to seeing the quilt all finished at some stage. Take care. Liz...


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Happy Quilting!