May 12, 2013

In the mail.

I put these in the mail, last week, for the three lovely ladies who signed up for my Handmade Pay It Forward.  I posted the PIF, in August, I had 365 days to complete it, but I felt late!  These are 10" square hotpads.  I used a lot of the selvadges I've been saving.  I thought selvadge hotpads would be perfect for quilters.  I added the bamboo slotted spoons, because the hotpads, didn't seem like enough.  Anyway, I sure hope they like them.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Ha! I just pulled this out of the mailbox today!....Mother's Day! What an awesome surprise! Thanks a bunch, Jan! And did you know I am a nut for orange, cuz I got the blue-dot one with the big band of orange at the bottom! LOVE IT! Thank you so much!

    And I'll be posting my own Pay It Forward asap! There is nothing better than something handmade! :o) Big hugs!

  2. Those are wonderful and will be much appreciated in the days to come...I am sure! I will have to get busy and put my selvage collection to the same good use!! Hugs......


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