May 8, 2013

WIPs need binding

In the past month I've picked up four quilts from Janiel, and put them aside.  It's so great that my fabulous long arm quilter lives only a couple of miles from me, within walking distance!  Life and my little Christmas project kept getting in the way.  Now, my goal is to get the binding on these four quilts, before I start my next scrappy project.  Bob and I play cards each Tuesday evening and dominoes each Thursday evening, and next week is our turn to host both games at our home.  You know what that means, a major cleaning!

When I sorted my scraps I ended up with a whole stack of 2 1/2" WOF scraps, those will be my next focus, I'm thinking something like this:

That'll be for next week, after the Game Nights are over.
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Quilters always have UFOs. It's just part of quilting.

  2. You are fortunate to have your longarmer so close....

  3. Oh binding, my least favorite part of the process, the quilts look great.

  4. I have grown to love the binding application (sorry, Dana!). If it's a quilt that will get hard use, though, I complete it by machine otherwise it is a quiet hand project. I have learned, though, to cut the binding and have it all ready to use before I have the project quilted. That way, all I have to do is square it and apply the ready-made strip. I think it's a "head thing"..LOL!! Hugs, Doreen


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Happy Quilting!