I'm home from NYC, I had a great time. If you're interested in more photo of NYC, I'll be posting them on my photo blog, Murrieta365.
Fabric Diet Report: I'm amazed, this is the first time I've come home from NYC without new fabric. I'm really sticking to the Fabric Diet, only 2 yards of quilting fabric purchased since 12/1/2013! That's 6 months! BTW, Bob is starting to feel this is his "fault", it isn't; he told me I could purchase any fabric I want. As if!
Now that the jet lag as dissipated and the laundry is done, I'm ready to hit the sewing machine. Before I left town I cut all of my remaining 2 1/2" strips, and others that were close, to 17" length. I had a plan. Now, the plan has changed, I'm calling this quilt process Plan B.
May your bobbins always be full,
Oooooo......waiting....waiting! Hehe! Hugs, Doreen