August 27, 2013

One down, four to go.

Binding all done on this one ~ Purple, Purple, Purple. Purple is my neighbor Esther's favorite color. I made this for her. Her dementia is progressing and I'm hoping it'll give her comfort.  It measures 48 inches square.

I've been machine stitching my bindings for awhile, now.  Today is the first time used a zipper foot for the topside of the binding.  Facepalm, really, why didn't I think of this sooner.  It made this part perfect!
May your bobbins always be full,


  1. Good idea on using a zipper foot. I will have to try it on my next one. :-)

    Beautiful quilt, too.

  2. It's gorgeous! The zipper foot is a great idea - I'll have to remember that the next time I try machine binding.

    My aunt was diagnosed with dementia last year - it's such a terrible disease. I hope your friend is much comforted by the quilt - it's a very kind and generous thing to do for her.


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Happy Quilting!